
How to Create Strategic Campaigns That Convert

We opened 2018 by saying that change is the only constant in marketing.

That’s not entirely true.

Profitability has always mattered in marketing and it always will.

For the past few months, we’ve been talking about how to drive profitability through strategic communications campaigns with the PESO model. If you browse the topics of our blog posts, you’ll quickly see generating value and ultimately, profit, with your efforts has been at the heart of all of them:


All of these topics are critical to winning at PR, which is the big topic OBI Creative is talking about this year. Content takes time to create, which makes it expensive. As marketing and PR professionals we need to be confident that the campaigns we are creating and all the content that fills them out is generating real profit.

Having a strategic communications strategy anchored in the principles of inbound marketing is critical to creating content that converts.

Of equal value in driving profit is the PESO model. This integrated model developed by PR pro Gini Dietrich provides a helpful framework for understanding, integrating and executing successful campaigns in today’s complex, fast moving and yes, ever-changing marketing world.


How to Create Campaigns That Convert: A PESO Model Infographic


“Where we really see the PESO model shine is in its ability to integrate the four types of media,” says Ann Pedersen, Strategic Communications Director for OBI Creative. “Things like influencer engagement, partnerships, loyalty programs and more all have a place in the PESO model, which makes it incredibly inclusive, relevant and effective for plotting out an integrated marketing and PR campaign.”